Empowered Women, Empower Women
The Ambassador Experience is an additional $50 to your annual Membership & allows you to:
Gain free & 1×1 access to HPW partnered and hosted events
Get a swag bag from all events
Get an official ‘HPWAmbassador’ Name Badge and All-Access Badge for you and a friend!
Obtain a personalized coupon code for products, accessories & giveaways
Obtain a personalized promo code of 20% Off for your circle of influence at events
Receive monthly shout outs and mentions on social media
Receive more attendance at your sponsored or hosted events by guaranteeing an HPW member at your event
Earn 10% commission you acquire for new memberships is paid in full
Earn 2% commission on any event sponsorship
Earn 2% commission you acquire for new memberships when paid monthly
HPW dedicated landing page that spotlights YOU and your many hats!
Access to media and free advertising of products
Ambassador Goals:
150 New Members a Year (keep going for more earning power)! Tap into your network and help us gain 150 new members a term! (average 10 women a month)! The cost to become a member is less than $15 a month!
Host a Monthly Meetup! Our Ambassadors have fun Breakfast, Lunch, Brunch, and Dinners scheduled for New, Active & Prospective Members! We have learning #PowerHours and Lunch & Learns to help expand skills.
Contribute to the Monthly Newsletter! That’s right, we have a monthly publication from all our SisterCity Initiatives that can help connect you to all Members! By contributing, your product, brand, and service are spotlighted!
Become More Visible to Gain Followers & Fans! Appear on Woman of the Week, Virtual Member Mentors, Flight 2461 Panelist, FireSide Chat, e-Learning, Master Classes, Speaker Series, SPARKS (Students Promoting Action, Responsibility, and Knowledge)!
Become Involved in a Social Responsibility Initiative: Use your earned commission to support a local non-profit or community effort. Think about it, if you met your Ambassador goal, you have $750 you can put towards improving the community by selecting one of our Partner Non-Profits & Outreach Projects that have passed through our verification process.
Read, Like, Share articles and postings! We post 10 – 20x a week! There is a lot to communicate and you’re required to SHARE SHARE SHARE and TAG TAG TAG by using keywords:
#DPW #HPW #DallasProfessionalWomen #WomenInAction #DPWYPs #DPWYLs
#MealPort #WW #LadyPros #AllInThisTogether #MakeADifference #SupportLocal #WomenSupportingWomen #WomanOfTheWeek #WOTW #BeTheChange